February 4, 2025
Sullivan’s Salvos 1/30/25
In this edition:
*Vote in Iowa City!
*Acceptable Statements for Candidates
*Black History Month
*Groundhog Day
*Moses Bloom
*January 6 - Update
*Congratulations Greg Parker!
*Did You Know?
*Vote in Iowa City!
Remember, Iowa City voters – there is a City Council Primary going on! Please vote on or before February 4! Personally, I am supporting Ross Nusser for Council.
*Acceptable Statements for Candidates
I have had several interesting conversations recently about what is and is not acceptable for a candidate to say and/or post.
As readers know, last week I referenced some posts IC Council candidate Oliver Welein had made in the past. I am happy to say I got an opportunity to sit down with him, and our conversation went well. He and I are going to continue the conversation regardless of what happens in this election.
It is interesting, however, what I am hearing from folks on this matter. Some people who howled indignantly when former Supervisor Royceann Porter made insensitive statements feel Welein deserves a break. “He has done so much good work,” I heard from one person. Interestingly, that same person called for Royceann Porter to step down. Hadn’t Royceann also done much good work?
The hypocrisy cuts both ways. People who supported Royceann are claiming that what Welein said is beyond the pale. And so it goes.
Honestly? I do not know what is right here. But I do know that if you are going to use this line of argument, you should remain consistent regardless of the politics of the candidate in question.
*Black History Month
February is Black History Month. I often wish that there was no need for a Black History Month – instead, black history would be a robust part of the history that is already taught in our schools.
The fact is, we all need a reminder of the amazing history of African Americans. I am planning on doing some reading on Little Rock Central and Brown versus the Board of Education. I may try to sneak in a visit to my daughter in Memphis. What will you be doing?
*Groundhog Day
Happy Groundhog Day! Hey, we need to celebrate anything we can, right? By the way – the 1993 movie “Groundhog Day” really is a classic, isn’t it? OK. Enough small talk. I wish you six less weeks of winter!
*Moses Bloom
As many of you know, for the last 3 years I have lived in an old (1904) home at 514 North Linn Street. Our house is a part of the Northside Neighborhood Historical District, meaning there are a lot of cool old homes in the area.
As it turns out, I did not realize until recently that I was living next door to the home of one of Iowa City’s most prominent residents – Moses Bloom.
Bloom was born in France in 1832, and came to Cincinnati in 1849. Bloom came to Iowa City in 1857, where he opened a clothing store that he ran for the next 27 years.
Bloom was elected to the City Council in 1860, and served on President Lincoln’s Inaugural Ball Committee. Bloom was elected Mayor of Iowa City in 1874 and reelected in 1879. This made him the first Jewish Mayor of a moderate-sized city in the whole US. Bloom was elected to the Iowa House, and to the Iowa Senate in 1885. Bloom was famous for his support of the University of Iowa, and finally secured ongoing state funding for its operation.
Bloom bought a lot at 522 North Linn Street (across the alley north from my house) in 1891, but barely lived in the house before his death in 1893. Despite raising funds and securing land for a local Jewish cemetery, Bloom was buried back in Cincinnati. (A street is named for him out in the Peninsula Neighborhood.)
Meanwhile, the house is still there, and is absolutely gorgeous! It is now broken up into a few apartments, and owned by the Egenbergers. I do not really know them, but they seem like very nice people who work had at maintaining the property.
So, I’m going to take a bit more time and learn about the person who would have been my neighbor 132 years ago. He sounds like a great man!
*January 6 -Update
(This ran in Salvos earlier this month. An update follows.)
January 6 marks the 4th anniversary of one of the lowest points in US history. The defeated former President riled up a bunch of insurrectionists who then broke into the US Capitol, killing cops along the way. It remains the only coup attempt in American history (unless you include succession.) January 6 is the most shameful day in American history.
Has there been any accountability? Some. Hundreds of people have been charged, and 378 individuals have been convicted thus far. But no one has been sentenced harshly. None of the US Congresspeople nor US Senators who conspired have been charged. And most importantly, Trump himself has thus far avoided all accountability.
Please – do not treat January 6 as yesterday’s news! We still can and must demand accountability! Traitors attempted to overthrow the US government on that day. They killed cops. We must not let this go! Acknowledge what happened this January 6 and every January 6 until the end of time!
Update: And now they are pardoned. In all, more than 1,500 people were fully pardoned. Leaders of the assault who had been convicted of seditious conspiracy had their sentences commuted. Trump also ordered the U.S. Justice Department to dismiss “with prejudice” all pending cases related to Jan. 6. Dismissing the cases with prejudice would prevent them from ever being refiled in the future.
Every single one of them is pardoned. People who killed cops. People who injured cops. People who were already going to prison for domestic violence, assault, drug dealing, threats, and more. People who shat in our Capitol. People who continue to threaten others. All free thanks to Trump.
Please do not ever forget this. Please.
In his farewell address, President Biden warned about the oligarchs that are seizing control of the US government. I am really glad he did so – I could not agree more!
But do you know what happened next? Google exploded with people googling, “What is an oligarch?” So yeah, we need to continue to improve our messaging.
But the sentiment is 100% correct! We simply *MUST* take on the issue of income inequality! We need to do it locally, at the state level, and nationally. Everything we do should be about making the rich pay!
*Congratulations Greg Parker!
Congratulations to Johnson County Engineer Greg Parker, who is retiring at the end of January following 20 years of service.
Greg has done an outstanding job for Johnson County – even winning the National County Engineer of the year award two years ago! County Engineers from all over the country are always reaching out to Greg to get his take on things, and he has a reputation of being very creative.
If you talk to county engineers from other counties – and I do – you will know that Johnson County is the envy of every other county when it comes to roads. We have incredibly high maintenance and construction standards. Despite the fact that Iowa ranks very poorly in bridges, Johnson County bridges are in good shape. And we never permanently closed a bridge in Greg’s 20 years! Very few counties can say that!
Ed Bartels will serve as the Interim County Engineer in Greg’s absence, and the hiring process has already begun. Thank you, Greg, for your outstanding service!
*DID YOU KNOW? Groundhog Day falls on the 2nd of February for a reason. It’s what’s known as a “cross-quarter” day, meaning it falls at the midpoint between one season and another. In the case of February 2nd, it’s the cross-quarter day that falls between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, making it the ideal time to consider whether or not spring will arrive early.
Anyone interested in learning more about County government should take a look at the County website-
"Sullivan’s Salvos" is sent once per week to any interested party. It will give a brief update on issues of interest to Johnson County residents.
These messages come solely from Rod Sullivan, and neither represents the viewpoints of the whole Board of Supervisors nor those of groups or individuals otherwise mentioned.
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