Rod Sullivan, Supervisor, Johnson County, Iowa

Previous Posts


March 13, 2015

Sullivan’s Salvos     3/17/15

In this edition:

*Saint Patrick’s Day!
*Bob Sullivan
*St. Patrick’s Day Party!
*Ready For Hillary?
*Trail Update
*Did You Know?

*Saint Patrick’s Day!
Happy St. Patty’s Day on March 17! St. Patrick’s Day is one of my favorite days of the year. While not an “official” holiday, this day has long been celebrated heartily by my Irish family.

         The tradition lives on… I almost always take St. Patrick’s Day off work. March 17 is a Tuesday this year, but I don’t see much on the calendar.  J

         Meanwhile, I hope each and every one of you is touched by a little luck o’ the Irish!

*Bob Sullivan
         March 17 holds a special place in my heart that goes beyond St. Patrick’s Day. That was also the birthday of my late father, Bob Sullivan.

         Dad was a proud union man, Hawkeye fan, and Irishman. We were father and son, but also best friends. I can honestly say he was probably the most fun person I have ever known.

         Unfortunately, he left this world much too soon, and never got the chance to meet any of his nine grandchildren. I miss him every single day, but especially on St. Patty’s Day.

         If you knew my dad and you are reading this – send me an e-mail some time. I could really use a little time swapping stories and reminiscing.

         And, if you are looking for an extra toast on St. Patrick’s Day, allow me to suggest that you raise a glass to Bob Sullivan.

         Happy birthday, Dad.

*St. Patrick’s Day Party!
         We are having a St. Patrick’s Day Party on Tuesday, March 17 from 4:30-8:30pm at our home in Iowa City.

         The party is serving as a fundraiser for Sullivan for Supervisor. That said, please do not feel obligated to donate – you can just show up! We would request that anyone who plans on attending please RSVP so we know what to expect. Just reply to this email address. There is still time, but please do so ASAP!

*Ready For Hillary?
         While Republican Presidential candidates swarm our state, Iowa’s Democratic Party activists shift restlessly in our seats.

         Obviously, the prospective campaign of Hillary Clinton looms over everything. Personally, I do not believe it serves Iowa Democrats well to wait around for Secretary Clinton, nor do I believe it serves Secretary Clinton well. Both would benefit from her opening up a full-fledged campaign.

         More importantly, I wish another candidate would step into the gap. Most Democrats I know are excited by the possibility of a primary challenge. They want some choice! At the very least, they want to debate the issues that face our country.

         In the interest of full disclosure, I have what could be perceived as an anti-Clinton bias. I supported Tom Harkin for President in 1992. Though some have rewritten history to claim we did not exist, I was one of several folks in 1996 who caucused “uncommitted” over sitting President Bill Clinton. And just after the 2006 elections, I became one of the very early Obama supporters.

         One of the most frustrating things about the 2008 Caucus battle was the misogynist vs. racist argument. Support Clinton? You are a racist. Support Obama? You are a misogynist. While there were certainly some of those attitudes in existence, it was all very overblown.

         So what about 2016? Yes, I’d like to see the US elect its first female President. But at what cost? If electing the first female President means war in Iran, no rules for Wall Street, more bad trade deals, maintaining the wage cap for Social Security, increased use of nuclear power, unquestioning support of Israel, and questionable ethics, then count me out.

         In addition, I continue to be troubled by Secretary Clinton’s previous votes for the war in Iraq, against LGBT rights, for flag burning as a crime, in support of the Patriot Act, in opposition to IDs for undocumented workers, and supporting the death penalty.

         I firmly believe that her stances on most of these issues were opportunistic. She was not the first political figure to base a position on poll numbers, and will not be the last. Interestingly, as time has passed and the country’s attitude on some of these topics has changed, so has Secretary Clinton’s position. Yet not only does she not admit to being wrong previously; she tries to say she never held the previous position.

I would be happy to see a debate about these issues. I believe that reasonable people can disagree. I would not hold any one position against a candidate, so long as I believed the candidate arrived there honestly. I can respect the deeply held beliefs of another person. But we do not have that here. This approach treats us as fools.

         I am “ready”, all right. Ready for a progressive Democrat to come to Iowa and announce her/his candidacy. And I don’t think I’m alone.

*Trail Update
You have heard me speak previously of the “missing link” in our trail system – a connection between Solon and Ely. Once that section exists, the trail between Iowa City and Cedar Rapids is pretty much complete.

Well, I am proud to announce that things are moving forward! The Johnson County Conservation Board has selected McClure Engineering Company in North Liberty to complete the Engineering and Design phase of the Hoover Trail between Seven Sisters Road and Solon. They will be hosting a preliminary public meeting in early April in Solon.

This is going to be great for Solon, and great for Johnson County! We have been working on this a long time, and it is great to see it coming to fruition. I will pass along information on the meeting as it becomes available.

*DID YOU KNOW?  There are 33.7 million U.S. residents who are of Irish ancestry. That number is almost nine times the population of Ireland itself.

Anyone interested in learning more about County government should take a look at the County website-

"Sullivan’s Salvos" is sent once per week to any interested party. It will give a brief update on issues of interest to Johnson County residents.

These messages come solely from Rod Sullivan, and neither represents the viewpoints of the whole Board of Supervisors nor those of groups or individuals otherwise mentioned.

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