Rod Sullivan, Supervisor, Johnson County, Iowa

Previous Posts


February 21, 2019

Sullivan’s Salvos     2/26/19

In this edition:

*Bizarre Threats From Bobby Kaufmann
*Prairie Preview
*DVIP Souper Bowl
*County Chair
*Did You Know?

*Bizarre Threats From Bobby Kaufmann
         Below is a series of three emails. The first goes from me to 6 members of the Iowa House. I wrote them regarding HF216, which would force more populous counties into districts. The second is the response I got from Representative Kaufmann. Which seems to be a threat. The third is my follow up to his response.

Dear Representative Fisher:
I was hoping you could explain to me why you introduced HF216? What problem do see that this bill would address? I am trying to understand why voters in my county should lose local control. And why only counties over 60,000 population?
I have taken the liberty of copying Representatives Kaufmann, Jacoby, Nielsen, Mascher, and Lensing on this email. Each of them represents my County.
 I look forward to your responses. Thanks!


Rod Sullivan
Johnson County
Board of Supervisors

From: Kaufmann, Bobby [LEGIS] <> 
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2019 7:03 AM
To: Rod Sullivan <>; Fisher, Dean [LEGIS] <>
Cc: Jacoby, David [LEGIS] <>; Lensing, Vicki [LEGIS] <>; Mascher, Mary [LEGIS] <>; Nielsen, Amy [LEGIS] <>
Subject: RE: HF216

You are probably wondering why you have sent this email multiple times and not received a response.  Rep. Fisher hasn’t asked me my thoughts regarding you but when he does I will let him know that I think you are one of the most ineffective and bitterly partisan elected officials in the entire State.  You haven’t earned the right to be relevant enough to demand answers from other legislators not residing in your county.  I know you thrive on the back and forth, posting on social media, and challenging people to debates etc, but I do not plan on sending you a follow-up to this email.  I am certain it will elicit a long response but this is a one-time deal.  You are very good at being a keyboard cowboy and taking pot-shots at me and others behind your computer screen but when you have to talk to someone face to face just act like a regular aw-shucks guy.  You don’t get to be a partisan hack nonstop and then when you want to talk like an adult, like in the email below, expect to get taken seriously.  
Why do bills like HF-219 keep appearing?   They keep appearing because the only people you and most of the Board represent are the far-left in Johnson County.  Hundreds and hundreds of independents, Republicans, and even Democrats view me as their only representation because of the Boards near-obsession with far-left policies.
So long as rural Johnson County continues to feel under-represented myself and others are going to stand with them in Des Moines . 
Ps.  I want to include one warning in this email since I have your attention.  I have noticed the Board has felt particularly emboldened lately as evidenced with the asinine proposal to eliminate or drastically reduce agriculture education spending.  If you or the Board ever choose to revisit your blatant attacks on Newport Road – you will receive the swiftest and most complete legislative response in Des Moines that you have ever seen.

From: Rod Sullivan 
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2019 9:01 AM
To: 'Kaufmann, Bobby [LEGIS]' <>; Fisher, Dean [LEGIS] <>
Cc: Jacoby, David [LEGIS] <>; Lensing, Vicki [LEGIS] <>; Mascher, Mary [LEGIS] <>; Nielsen, Amy [LEGIS] <>
Subject: RE: HF216

There is a lot to unpack here… but I have no idea what you are referring to in a couple of your comments.
You refer to an “asinine proposal to eliminate or drastically reduce agriculture education spending.” Johnson County has no such proposal. We have supported the creation of new FFA programs. I just simply do not understand what you are talking about. 
As for “blatant attacks on Newport Road”; what does this mean? If I am going to be threatened, I’d like to at least know why! 
I would appreciate your response.


Rod Sullivan

So there you have it. A bizarre threat over something – I don’t even know what. All in all, a pretty disjointed and disappointing email. 

Representative Kaufmann lost the Johnson County portion of his District by 8 points in 2018. So those “hundreds and hundreds” of people who he claims see him as their only representation are far from a majority.

I also find his use of the label “partisan” as a pejorative to be a bit ironic. His father is the Chair of the Iowa Republican Party – by definition, the most “partisan” office one can hold in Iowa!

I would think the rest of the GOP Representatives in the Statehouse would be concerned by this behavior. First, because threats are just wrong. Secondly, because he is basically promising that they will join him on his personal crusades. 

Of course, all but one  ofthe Democrats on the email neither said anything to Kaufmann nor replied to me in any way. So maybe they are OK with standing by while a fellow Legislator threatens to target their constituents.

Threatening someone used to be something that was frowned upon. I guess that was back in the good old days. Again, just disappointing behavior from someone who should know better.

*Prairie Preview
Bur Oak Land Trust's Prairie Preview is annually the first sign of spring! Join us March 5, 2019 for our 36th annual event. 

This year's event will focus on connecting young people to nature with free exhibits and speakers. University of Iowa Outdoor Recreation & Education Associate Director, Dave Conrads, will present "UI Wild: Connecting Iowans with the Wild for a Generation." 

Before the presentation, local environmental groups and agencies will have exhibits open to share information about their organizations. After the presentation, University of Iowa Wildlife Camps and Macbride Nature Recreation Area speakers will host a panel Q&A session.

Presented By: Bur Oak Land Trust
Dates: March 5, 2019
Address: 2525 N Dodge St
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Price: Free

*DVIP Souper Bowl
The Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP) is holding its 22nd Annual Souper Bowl Fundraiser to support victim/survivors of intimate partner violence.

The event is Thursday, March 7 from 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM at the Clarion Highlander Inn. Tickets are $15 for an individual and $25 for a family.

*County Chair
         The Johnson County Democratic Party is holding elections at their Off Year Caucus and Organizational Meeting at 6:30 PM on March 7that the Iowa City Public Library. 

         I mention this because I am a big fan of the current Chair, Christopher Taylor. So I was very pleased to see that Chris has chosen to seek reelection. He is a very good dude! 

         I was elected to two terms as Chair of the Johnson County Democratic Party back in the late ‘90s and early ‘00s. I know what a pain the job can be; unfortunately, that shows up in the turnover. If elected, Chris will be the first person since me to serve two terms!

         If you are a delegate and have a vote, I strongly urge you to show up and vote for Christopher Taylor!

*DID YOU KNOW?  Reynolds Vs. Sims is a 1964 US Supreme Court decision that required state legislatures to move to a format of “one person, one vote.” Prior to 1964, the Iowa Legislature was heavily weighted toward rural interests. In 1960, a Polk County State Senator represented 225,000 people, while an Adams County State Senator represented 13,000.

Anyone interested in learning more about County government should take a look at the County website- 

"Sullivan’s Salvos" is sent once per week to any interested party. It will give a brief update on issues of interest to Johnson County residents.

These messages come solely from Rod Sullivan, and neither represents the viewpoints of the whole Board of Supervisors nor those of groups or individuals otherwise mentioned.

If you do NOT want the weekly E-mail, simply reply to this message, and type "unsubscribe" in the subject line. 

If you know anyone else who might be interested, just forward this message. They can E-mail me at with "subscribe" in the subject line.

As always, feel free to contact me at 354-7199 or I look forward to serving you!



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