Rod Sullivan, Supervisor, Johnson County, Iowa

Previous Posts


October 10, 2019

Sullivan’s Salvos     10/15/19

In this edition:

*Happy Homecoming!
*RIP Clemens Erdahl
*Domestic Violence Awareness Month
*Civility in Politics
*Did You Know?

*Happy Homecoming!
         Happy Homecoming! I love the traditions of Homecoming; the parade, the pomp and circumstance, alumni returning from afar. Homecoming is one of the real benefits of living in a University town.

         I hope you enjoy Homecoming as much as I do. Either way, have a great week and Go Hawks!

*RIP Clemens Erdahl
         I was saddened to hear of the passing of local attorney Clemens Erdahl. Clem served two terms on the Iowa City Council, from 1978-85, and was a part of some very pivotal decisions in the City’s history.

         More importantly, in my opinion, is Clem’s work as a defense attorney. It never failed – every time there was a person accused of a terrible crime, Clem Erdahl would be representing that individual. 

         I remember a friend once asking me, “How can he live with himself, defending that monster?” My response was simple: “How could you live with yourself knowing the accused had no defense?”

         Clem did very difficult, very important work. And I salute him for it. RIP, Counselor!

*Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and I want to take this opportunity to share some statistics with you.

The Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP) has been serving Johnson County since 1979. Services include emergency shelter, 24-hour crisis line, support and advocacy services, youth services, and community education.

The State of Iowa mandated some consolidations two years ago, and DVIP now serves 8 counties for most services, and 13 counties with their 24 hour crisis line. Johnson County sources make up about 25% of DVIP’s funding, but 60% of their clients come from Johnson County. They serve about 350 individuals in the shelter each year; 80% of them are Johnson County residents. Another 60 or so people annually are served through contracts with hotels. The average shelter stay is about 45 days.

There are many events scheduled for October; to see the whole list and/or to learn more about the Domestic Violence Intervention Project (DVIP), visit

*Civility in Politics
         I often hear people say that they want greater civility in politics. I agree. We need to be able to talk about difficult issues without interrupting, etc. It has become particularly poignant with our current President. 

         I have been around long enough to see scores of local elected officials take office. Not one has ever run a campaign saying, “I’m going to be mean and nasty.” In fact, it is very much the opposite – everyone runs as uniter, not a divider.

         The thing is, whether or not you are viewed as “civil” comes down to two basic questions:

1.   Are you actually civil?
2.   Do you stand up for people with little power?

In some cases, the answer to #1 is simply no. And that is too bad. There are elected officials who lack civility, and it really does make it more difficult to get things done. 

But in other cases, the elected official who is viewed as less civil is fighting for the powerless. And you do need to fight – the people in power never give it up willingly. I often see elected officials who go to bat for these folks tarred as not being civil.

The fact of the matter is, the world is full of privileged guys who get really upset when their worldview is challenged.

         I just wrote about this group. They have privilege of various types. They tend to be over 30, wealthy, straight, white, educated males with no union background. They meet almost every definition of privilege. They have been our Class Presidents since second grade, and they are used to running things. They get VERY testy when they are not in charge! 

         You know what it is called when you challenge one of these guys? When you stand up for the poor, or people of color, or women, or any other disenfranchised group? You are not being civil.

         Because they think they get to set the rules. That includes any and all rules of behavior. (And the behavior itself is not bad, just to be clear. It is only viewed as “uncivil” through the lens of someone who dislikes being challenged.)

         Muhammed Ali was called uncivil. Martin Luther King, Jr. was accused of incivility. So was Gandhi. So was Susan B. Anthony. Rosa Parks. The list goes on.

Trust me – there is no world in which I get to be lumped in with those heroes. I know that personally I have not always behaved in the best way possible. It requires work sometimes, and I have at times fallen short. 

         But the larger point is clear: do not be fooled!  When an elected official is accused of incivility, she/he just might be hitting the powerful where it hurts!

         The great writer Charles Dickens said it best: “The civility which money will purchase, is rarely extended to those who have none.”

         After all, the very word civility is related to civilization… the rules for the ways in which we live together. So – we have rules. Who gets to set those rules? Is it exclusively people of privilege? If so, are we really achieving civility?

         I spoke to Congressman Leach about this once, thinking I might get a bit of pushback. I brought up indigenous people fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline, and African Americans protesting the killings of unarmed black men at the hands of police.

         Interestingly, he did not push back at all. Instead, he offered some words of wisdom: “Do not confuse being polite with being civil.” He then went on to point out that there are plenty of people who are politely lying to your face, or politely coercing you, or politely failing to answer your question.

         Civility is a topic that bears watching. It is lacking, and we need more of it. But it must not serve as a tool for those with privilege to shut out other voices.

*DID YOU KNOW?  Iowa's first homecoming was on Nov. 23, 1912. 

Anyone interested in learning more about County government should take a look at the County website- 

"Sullivan’s Salvos" is sent once per week to any interested party. It will give a brief update on issues of interest to Johnson County residents.

These messages come solely from Rod Sullivan, and neither represents the viewpoints of the whole Board of Supervisors nor those of groups or individuals otherwise mentioned.

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