February 24, 2022
Sullivan’s Salvos 3/1/22
In this edition:
*Congratulations Dan Kramer!
*Irony Regarding ARPA
*Ridiculous Charges Dropped
*More ARPA
*Luke 27-38
*Did You Know?
*Congratulations Dan Kramer!
A bit congrats to Environmental Health Specialist Dan Kramer, who is retiring after 42 years with Johnson County Public Health! That is not a misprint! For 42 years Dan has served the people of Johnson County!
Thanks for everything, Dan! I will miss seeing your smiling face around campus. Enjoy your retirement – you have earned it!
*Irony Regarding ARPA
I am pretty sick of the attacks the County and Iowa City are getting over the use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) money. One person a week or so ago talked about “speaking truth to power.” There has not been much of that. Why? Because there are two parts to that equation, and one is truth!
Don’t get me wrong; many of the people who write us make their case well. But others – pretty much 100% white folks - rely heavily on talking points that are usually full of hyperbole and half-truths.
Here is a perfect example: on Thursday, February 16, Sheriff Kunkel and two of his staff sat in the Board Room, waiting to talk about A) mental health services in the jail, and B) the hiring of reserve deputies. These were the second and third items on that meeting’s agenda, respectively.
But rather than look at the agenda, I got several emails accusing the Board of “threatening” speakers by having the Sheriff there. A simple reading of the agenda would indicate that the Sheriff needed to be there to discuss the items on the agenda. But now this has been falsely described as “sic the cops on speakers.” It is simply not true. But I got a dozen emails accusing me of that.
Another example: They held a “training” recently, attended by 250 people, as to how to apply for the County assistance. The only problem? The County has not decided that yet! So when the County does come up with an application, and it differs from what they were “trained” on, the County gets to be the bad guy.
Every meeting, speakers demand millions for their pet project. But little gets said about where ARPA money is actually going. Want to know where the ARPA money is being spent?
We are hiring a couple Community Health Nurses in Public Health. We are boosting the GuideLink Center, which serves people facing mental health and/or substance abuse challenges. We have greatly expanded the money available through our General Assistance program, which provides direct financial assistance to our poorest residents. We put money toward support of minority-owned businesses. We are putting significant money toward our local nonprofits. We are investing in affordable housing. We are investing in affordable childcare. We are putting money toward addressing food insecurity.
So, if the Board responded to the protesters the way some of the protesters have addressed us, it would be like this: “Why do you hate people with mental illness? Why do you hate poor children? Why are you so opposed to food and housing for the poor?”
It is also worth pointing out that outside of Iowa City and Johnson County, there will not be a single municipal government in Iowa that will provide funding to folks who are not US citizens. None. There are only two governments that will do anything. And they are the two that are under constant attack. Think about that for a second.
Another irony: I put forth the idea of direct payments to excluded workers about a year ago - long before the protests and emails started. It is in the minutes – you can look it up. This has always been something I wanted to get done. But the folks who email us have never been told that. The white allies in the group have done everything they can to vilify certain Supervisors.
As you can tell by my tone, yes, this has been a real drag. The amount of wasted energy is unmeasurable. It has significantly contributed to Johnson County being a less-friendly, less open place. It is just so sad and pointless.
I’m so tired of the daily drama. Our efforts are being mischaracterized to such a great degree. It has taken such a toll on county staff, who don’t deserve this. I hope folks will take the time to look past the talking points, and learn what is actually happening.
But the thing that really pisses me off is the way a bunch of white, self-righteous attention-seekers have used a group of immigrants to further their own personal and professional goals. It is shameful. The immigrants may end up getting what they want. But it will be in spite of these people, not because of them.
*Ridiculous Charges Dropped
You may recall that last fall, the Iowa City Catholic Worker House and a small group of individuals filed a human rights complaint against me, claiming I was a racist.
The City of Iowa City was also named. Because it would be an obvious conflict of interest, the Iowa City Human Rights Investigator referred the whole thing to the Iowa Civil Right Commission.
The Iowa Civil Rights Commission has made a decision in the case, and dropped everything. Everything. They decided it was not even worth their time.
Here is the thing that blew my mind: the Catholic Worker House filled a legal complaint against me. Then they kept demanding that I speak with them. Needless to say, County Attorney Janet Lyness advised me to not speak with someone who had taken legal action against me.
So, the Catholic Worker House kept going on social media, haranguing me with comments such as, “Why is he afraid to meet?” “Why won’t Sullivan talk to his constituents?” Convenient, huh? I don’t know about you, but I grew up Catholic. This wasn’t how we were taught to treat people.
Anyway, all the lies they tell on a constant basis did not carry the day with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission. The Commission denied them utterly and completely.
This is not the first time the Catholic Worker House has been caught lying. They kept misrepresenting Congressman Loebsack to such a great degree that the US House of Representatives Legal Counsel had to send them a cease-and-desist letter. Keep that in mind next time you see one of their press releases that slams the Board of Supervisors.
*More ARPA
Yes, there is more ARPA to report. Such a joy, right? On Thursday, the Board voted whether or not to give some type of preference to workers who were previously excluded from other federal pandemic assistance programs. Supervisor Green and I voted to do so. Supervisors Green Douglass, Heiden, and Porter voted against giving a preference.
A bit of background: A few months ago, the Board made some changes to our General Assistance program (aid to poor residents) that I felt were very good. The changes dramatically increased the number of people eligible for assistance.
Because this assistance already exists for anyone who meets the income threshold, I feel it is totally appropriate to target this additional pot of ARPA money to a group of people who did not receive the earlier federal assistance. Again, I’m the person who put this forward in the first place, almost a year ago.
(I should note that until a long meeting with County staff on Tuesday, February 22, I was not clear that we even COULD target this group of people. I am now satisfied that we could do so.)
So – I am disappointed that the vote went the way it did. I am curious as to what steps the Iowa City Council will take now, as it had appeared to me that most of them agree with Supervisor Green and I on this. I guess we shall see. Meanwhile, I am committed to making the program that did get approved the best that it can be.
*Luke 6:27-38
I realize this edition of Salvos has been pretty negative. I apologize for that. I am trying to arrive at a better place. Last Sunday’s sermon came at a great time for me. It was based on Luke 6:27-38.
In short, this says, “Do good to those who hate you.” It is an important tenet, but in practice, not the easiest thing to do. I hope you will forgive me as I struggle to get closer to this ideal.
*DID YOU KNOW? Texas has both the second-most populous county in the US and the least populous county in the US. Harris County, TX (home to Houston) is the second most populous county at just under 5 million people. With a population of 64 per the 2020 census, Loving County, TX is the least-populous county in the contiguous United States. Its county seat and only community is Mentone.
Anyone interested in learning more about County government should take a look at the County website-
"Sullivan’s Salvos" is sent once per week to any interested party. It will give a brief update on issues of interest to Johnson County residents.
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