Rod Sullivan, Supervisor, Johnson County, Iowa

Previous Posts


November 2, 2022

Sullivan’s Salvos     11/8/22




In this edition:




*Happy Birthday Rachel!

*Election Night = Election Week

*Veteran’s Day

*National Adoption Month

*Know THIS about inflation!

*Seeking Contractors

*Did You Know?





Election Day is upon us! Vote, and make certain everyone you know votes! There is a lot at stake here!


If you have a ballot, do NOT mail it in! Please take it to the Auditor’s Office unless it is actually Election Day. Then take it to your polling place! But you must have it with you! If you have other voting questions, call the Auditor’s Office at 319-354-6004.


I will admit; I am scared. I have never been more worried for my Country. All I can do is try my damndest to get as many people as possible to get out and vote!




*Happy Birthday Rachel!

Happy Birthday to my oldest daughter Rachel, who turns 31 on the 6th! I love you, Ray!




*Election Night = Election Week

I hope you are preparing yourself and everyone you know for Election Week. That’s right; the notion of Election Day does not serve us well.


First, the counting process takes time. We may not get even our very first counts until hours after polls close. But that isn’t all. There will be ballots that are still trickling in, having been postmarked in time. 


We already know how this is going to go. Millions of mailed ballots in Pennsylvania will be coming in Election Day and a few days after. They cannot even open them until 9pm our time. It is highly unlikely we will know the outcome in PA on Tuesday night.


We also know that precisely because of this, Trump and others will go on TV Tuesday night and call the PA election fraudulent. They will lawyer up and sue. We already know it. Just don’t let it weaken your resolve.


If the election night margin is large enough, it may not matter. But if a race is close, we need to demand that election officials take the time to count all legal votes. Don’t allow the process to be driven by the media. Have patience, and request the same from everyone you know. This is Election Week, not Election Night!




*Veterans Day

Happy Veterans Day on November 11. Thanks to all the men and women who have served our country. I appreciate your service, and wish you peace.


Veterans For Peace Chapter #161 is sponsoring an Armistice Day Observance to be held on Friday, November 11th location TBD. The event begins at 10:45 AM. Bells will be rung at 11:00 AM, as they rang around the world at the end of WWI in 1918 and on each November 11th for decades thereafter. Armistice Day is a day to promote PEACE and to remember the victims of war, both veterans and civilians


The event will feature Veterans For Peace from throughout the state of Iowa. The event is free, and the public is welcome. 




*National Adoption Month

November has been named National Adoption Month and November 20th National Adoption Day.


The need out there is tremendous. In Johnson County alone, there are between 100 and 150 kids in foster care every day. There are nowhere near enough foster and adoptive homes to meet the need.


As many of you know, Melissa and I are the parents of three adopted children. We also served 20 years as foster parents, fostering just over 50 kids.


It has been a life full of tragedies and triumphs. It has not always been easy, but it has been indescribably fulfilling. Along with marrying my wife, it is the best decision I ever made.


If you or someone you know is interested in foster care and/or adoption, please let me know. I am always happy to speak with prospective parents.




*Know THIS about inflation!

(This appeared in Salvos back in August. It needs to be shared widely!)


I have written here before that I LOVE local economist Peter Fisher. Well, at his retirement party, he dropped this incredible statistic about our recent bout of inflation:


We have inflation – we all agree with that. So basic goods and services cost us all a bit more. But where does the money go? We are paying more – where does the money ACTUALLY go? 


In this case, 8% went for higher wages for frontline workers. That is good. 28% went toward the mess that is our supply chain. Unfortunate, but understandable. 53% - 53%! – went to higher corporate profits.


So, don’t buy the Fox News bullshit on this. Over half the inflation we see today is corporate profiteering. It is wrong. It is no different than when you have a flood or a tornado and retailers double the price of a generator. It is WRONG! It should be illegal, just as the generator scenario is illegal in many places.


So our 8% inflation could and should be 4%. Corporations simply needed to take 3% gains rather than 53% gains. If you want to blame someone for inflation, don’t blame Biden. Blame corporations!




*Seeking Contractors

Johnson County is accepting applications for one or more contractors to administer and implement housing rehabilitation and emergency home repair services. The County may award up to $600,000 in funding, over a 42-month timeframe. Eligible applicants include non-profit charitable organizations and governmental entities that provide services to Johnson County residents.


The funding will assist low-income homeowners with making essential home repairs, particularly for those residents who are most vulnerable, such as older adults, individuals with disabilities, and households with young children. The program will also provide repairs and home modifications that assist older adults and disabled residents to age in place. The home repairs provided through the program will improve living conditions and positively impact the health and safety of residents while preserving valuable affordable housing stock in Johnson County.


Johnson County will award up to $300,000 for the initial 18-month contract period of Jan. 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024. Funding renewals for Fiscal Years 2025 and 2026 are contingent upon successful completion of scope of services, contract performance and compliance with contract terms and conditions.


The grant application is available at under Bids, Proposals, RFPs.


Applications are due by noon on Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022. For more information, contact Lynette Jacoby, Social Services Director, at or 319-356-6090.




*DID YOU KNOW?  Republican candidates for President have won the popular vote just once in the past 28 years. Despite this, Republicans have held the Presidency for 12 of those years.
The one year they did win the popular vote (2004) was contentious. Officially, George W. Bush defeated John Kerry by 1% nationally. 
The winner was not determined until the next day, when Kerry decided not to dispute Bush's claim of a win in Ohio.




Anyone interested in learning more about County government should take a look at the County website-


"Sullivan’s Salvos" is sent once per week to any interested party. It will give a brief update on issues of interest to Johnson County residents.


These messages come solely from Rod Sullivan, and neither represents the viewpoints of the whole Board of Supervisors nor those of groups or individuals otherwise mentioned.


If you do NOT want the weekly E-mail, simply reply to this message, and type "unsubscribe" in the subject line. 


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As always, feel free to contact me at 354-7199 or I look forward to serving you!








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