Rod Sullivan, Supervisor, Johnson County, Iowa

Previous Posts


February 28, 2019

Sullivan’s Salvos     3/5/19

In this edition:

*Happy Mardis Gras!
*My Friend Sandy
*Local Food Event
*Iowa Caucus Changes
*Did You Know?

*Happy Mardis Gras!
         March 5 is Fat Tuesday, the 6this Ash Wednesday, and Easter is 40 days away. Sounds like a reason to celebrate! Laissez les bons temps rouler!

*My Friend Sandy
         I stopped by Big Grove Brewery in Solon last Friday evening, and I ran into my friend Sandy Hanson. And my whole day was better because of it!

         As usual, Sandy was telling me all the things she was planning to do to make Solon a better place to live. As usual, she challenged me to help. And as usual, I felt great about it!

         There are certain people in our lives who just simply spark joy. People who care deeply about others. People who live their lives fully and for all the right reasons.

         If you know Sandy Hanson – or a person like Sandy Hanson – consider yourself lucky. Then give them a big hug, and get to work on their next project!

*Local Food Event
Whether you are an avid supporter of local food and agriculture or a curious eater wanting to learn more, the Johnson County Food Policy Council invites you (and your friends, co-workers and/or family) to hear from local food producers about the work they are doing to support a community based food system at our 5th annual public forum, Farm Connection: Farmers, the Community & You. 

The 2019 forum provides opportunities to get to know farmers and their products, learn about policy challenges facing our community food system, and provide input or ideas for policy and program-based solutions.

2019 Johnson County Food Policy Council Forum
Farm Connection: Farmers, the Community & You
Saturday, March 9
Johnson County Fairgrounds, Montgomery Hall
3109 Old Hwy 218 S, Iowa City, IA 52240. 
Registration encouraged, but walk-in registration is welcome!

8:30 AM Event Check-in (and Local Food Expo)
9:00 AM- 11:30 AM Community Food System Updates & Farmer panelists discuss their local farm products and current challenges facing direct to consumer farms
11:30 AM- 12:30 PM Networking, Local Food Expo, and *free* Local Food Lunch

The Local Food Expo will showcase farmers, nonprofits, and other organizations engaged in creating a more community-based food system. Participants will be able to network, learn more ways to purchase locally grown food, and provide input on policy recommendations proposed by the Johnson County Food Policy Council. During the Expo, a locally sourced, light lunch will be available for free to all attendees.

REGISTER TODAY! And, help us spread the word! We have a Facebook event that can be shared or send this email along!
Please reach out if you have any questions.

*Iowa Caucus Changes
         You may have seen the changes that the Iowa Democratic Party (IDP) made to the Caucus process. I am very pleased with these changes, with one exception.

         A little background: There have long been complaints that the Iowa Caucuses are undemocratic (small “d”) by nature. And I would have to agree. 

Why are caucuses undemocratic? There has never been an absentee system. If you cannot attend your caucus that night, your voice is not heard. This has always been a barrier to people who work second shift, single parents, people who rely upon public transit, etc. 

Under the new system, there will be several “absentee caucuses” leading up to the regular caucus. This will allow you to call in, register your top 5 choices, and be done with it. 

This solves the issue of small “d” democracy, and for this I tip my cap. But there is another issue lurking, and we really need to address it.

These “absentee caucus” votes are only going to count as 10% of the delegate count. In other words, your vote may be “worth more” if you show up in person. That really seems to defeat the purpose of the absentee caucus!

I would like to see the IDP weight these votes equally. One, because it seems fair. But two, it would go a long way toward solving our real problem- we have no space!

As the Iowa Caucuses have gained in popularity, we have simply outgrown all the public spaces that exist in our community. We have several caucus sites where 40 people attended in 2000, and 400 attended in 2008. In Johnson County, several caucus sites topped 750 people. The only rooms big enough for that type of crowd are high school gymnasiums. And we have more precincts with big caucus turnouts that we have gymnasiums!

The turnout at the caucuses is great, but we are being crushed beneath our own weight. We simply do not have adequate public spaces to continue.

The absentee caucus would be a perfect solution! People can simply vote at their convenience, and leave the party building activities to those who are interested in that piece. I just fear that the failure to weight those votes as equal will cause people to feel they must attend in person. And I honestly don’t know how we address that. It is NOT up to the Legislature!

That’s right! The Caucuses are NOT put on by County government, like elections. Instead, the Iowa Caucuses are PARTY events. So there has always been a bit less accountability; people will complain to the County Auditor, but most won’t take the effort to find the State Party Chair.

         I hope it is not too late for the IDP to build upon this success, and re-weight the absentee caucuses. We need it!

*DID YOU KNOW?  I have attended all but one Iowa Caucus since they were first constituted in 1972. I went with my Dad in ’72, ’76, and ‘80. I missed in 1984 – chasing a girl. I have caucused in Iowa City every year (including off years) since 1988.

Anyone interested in learning more about County government should take a look at the County website- 

"Sullivan’s Salvos" is sent once per week to any interested party. It will give a brief update on issues of interest to Johnson County residents.

These messages come solely from Rod Sullivan, and neither represents the viewpoints of the whole Board of Supervisors nor those of groups or individuals otherwise mentioned.

If you do NOT want the weekly E-mail, simply reply to this message, and type "unsubscribe" in the subject line. 

If you know anyone else who might be interested, just forward this message. They can E-mail me at with "subscribe" in the subject line.

As always, feel free to contact me at 354-7199 or I look forward to serving you!



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