Rod Sullivan, Supervisor, Johnson County, Iowa

Previous Posts


August 27, 2020

Sullivan’s Salvos     9/1/20




In this edition:



*Derecho Help

*RIP Mel Stahmer

*Email Change

*Biden/Harris Signs

*Trust, Expertise, and Fake News

*Did You Know?




*Derecho Help

         Many Johnson County residents are still recovering from the effects of the derecho. If you or anyone you know needs anything at all, please call 211. The United Way helpline is at 211, and they can process any questions you might have. 


         So please spread the word – call 211 if you need any assistance with anything storm related.




*RIP Mel Stahmer

         Up until this point, I was lucky. Despite all the COVID-19 cases in Iowa, I had not lost any friends or family to the virus. I knew folks who had it and recovered, but no one had died. That all changed last week when Mel Stahmer of Coralville passed away from COVID.


         I have known Mel since the late 1980s. He was a Union brother – a member of the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC). Mel was a longtime dedicated leader of the Iowa City Federation of Labor, and a longtime volunteer for the Johnson County Democratic Party. 


         But those things alone did not make Mel my friend. Mel was my friend because he was kind, caring, generous, funny, thoughtful, and fair. To put it simply, Mel Stahmer was a damned good guy. As good as they come.


         A few stories really sum up Mel. First, he knew EVERYBODY! I mean, no matter where we were, Mel knew people. From UI brass to bankers to farmers to teachers to UI students to fast food workers – Mel knew more people in Johnson County than anyone I’ve ever known. Walk into any bar or restaurant in Johnson County, and Mel knew half the people. It was amazing!


         Secondly, Mel had an incredible memory. Because of his work in the Post Office, he used to play a game when meeting people. He’d say, “You give me your address, and I’ll give you your name.” Then he would proceed to do exactly that! It was incredible! I saw him do it several times, and I am told he rarely got it wrong.


         Finally, Mel had a great sense of humor. He took tremendous pride in his job as a letter carrier, but he was also able to joke about it with people. The Post Office has always been ripe for jokes, and Mel willingly played along. He was always good for a laugh and a smile.


         I attended a “Save the Post Office” rally at the Iowa City Post Office last Saturday – right after Mel’s death. It was actually surreal to be doing that type of thing without Mel – the biggest USPS advocate I have ever known!


         I am really sad at the loss of Mel Stahmer. My prayers go out to Mel’s wife Kathy and his kids. He was truly a great guy who will be missed by many. RIP, Mel!




*Email Change

         A reminder: I am not happy about it, but my email address has changed. The old email ( is the only personal email I have ever had, so yes, this is stressful!


         If you need to email me, please use The old email should forward to the new one for a while, but please update your contacts. Thanks!




*Yard Signs

I have had a number of people ask me about yard signs. I did some checking, and the Biden/Harris campaign is not going to be providing much in the way of yard signs. (The "conventional wisdom" is that yard signs are not worth the money. FWIW, I disagree. Especially in local races. But I digress.) 


You can purchase one from the campaign; technically, it is in exchange for a $20 donation. I found a few other seemingly reputable vendors, but they were only a bit cheaper. I guess, given that, I'd just go with the campaign contribution. They will need the money!


         Meanwhile, please consider putting up signs for Teresa Greenfield and Rita Hart. Both of these women are really good people, running in races that are very tight. They need and deserve our help! Please put up Hart for House and Greenfield for Senate signs!




*Trust, Expertise, and Fake News

         America is in crisis. Yes, COVID-19. But I am talking about the crisis of faith that is plaguing American institutions.


         Many people do not trust the government. They do not trust the media. They do not trust experts in a variety of fields. And our country is suffering greatly because of this.


         Look, I get it. Presidents and Members of Congress have told too many lies. The media has not been as sharp as it should be. Some scientists have been arrogant when it comes to explaining their research. All of that is true, and all of it is unfortunate. 


         But the reaction to these mistakes has gone WAY too far the other direction! America has lost so much trust in our institutions that it has actually become dangerous. Tens of thousands have needlessly died because Americans do not trust medical science.


         I spoke to and emailed with dozens of constituents as Johnson County discussed our mask mandate. Many said such a move was unconstitutional. I assured them that the Supreme Court has taken up the legality of these types of public health measures many times before. The law is clear – this type of mandate is perfectly legal. I understand that they don’t like it. And they may disagree with the rulings of the Justices. But the fact is, it is legal under the Constitution. But most callers simply refused to believe this.


Over and over I explained how the vast majority of medical experts recommend face coverings. Over and over the response was, “Well, not everybody agrees.” 


         I suppose that is true. A certain number of people – even medical professionals – are simply oppositionally defiant. They are always going to take the contrary position. So we know we will never achieve 100% agreement. 


         So why are we not satisfied with experts who are in 99% agreement? Or even 95%? Why do we clutch on to the 5% that are outliers? I am convinced that this is because the American right has become fully tribal. Right and wrong no longer matters. It is about us versus them. 


         Look at Qanon. Estimates vary, but somewhere around 1.5 million Americans believe that stuff. These beliefs include the idea that there is a worldwide group of Satan-worshiping pedophiles who eat children and rule the world. They control politicians, Hollywood, and the media. The only thing stopping them was the election of President Donald Trump.


         Again, at least 1.5 million Americans believe this. One half of one percent of the population. In a town the size of Solon, there would be an average of 14 adherents. In Iowa City, about 400 people. And that does not count all the people who do not believe it all, but believe SOME of it.


         How do we turn this around? I don’t know. But we are headed down a scary path. Americans need to be able to agree to a single set of facts. Our future depends upon it! 




*DID YOU KNOW?  2018 Forbes Magazine listing of most accurate news sources: New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, BBC, Economist, AP, Reuters, The Atlantic, Politico, NPR.




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"Sullivan’s Salvos" is sent once per week to any interested party. It will give a brief update on issues of interest to Johnson County residents.


These messages come solely from Rod Sullivan, and neither represents the viewpoints of the whole Board of Supervisors nor those of groups or individuals otherwise mentioned.


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