March 10, 2022
Sullivan’s Salvos 3/15/22
In this edition:
*Saint Patrick’s Day!
*St. Patrick’s Day Trivia
*Bob Sullivan
*Bad Framing
*Carbon Pipelines
*Still Time to Donate!
*Did You Know?
*Saint Patrick’s Day!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day on March 17! St. Patrick’s Day is one of my favorite days of the year. While not an “official” holiday, this day has long been considered a holiday by my Irish family.
March 17 is a Thursday this year, but we will still find time to celebrate correctly! J Meanwhile, I hope each and every one of you is touched by a little luck o’ the Irish!
*St. Patrick’s Day Trivia
Here are some interesting St. Patrick’s Day facts:
*With 23 percent of the population of Celtic ancestry, Massachusetts has a higher proportion of residents of Irish descent than any other state, edging out New Hampshire (20 percent) and Rhode Island (18 percent). The remaining New England states -- Connecticut, Vermont and Maine -- also rank among the top 10 in this category, as do Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Montana.
*New York City has more residents of Irish descent than any city in the world, including Dublin! Boston, however, has the largest percentage of Irish residents of any large American city.
*22 - Gallons of beer consumed per capita by Americans annually. (The equivalent of 176 pints per year.) I used to bring that average way up. Now I bring it way down!
*13 million - In 2017, it was estimated that 13 million pints of Guinness would be consumed worldwide on St. Patrick's Day. And in 2020, it was estimated that in America, overall beer sales would be up 174 percent. In fact, it's the biggest day for bars in the country. And in general, in 2020, it was expected that Americans would spend over $6 billion celebrating the holiday.
*9 - Number of places in the US which share the name of Dublin, Ireland's capital. Dublin, OH was the most populous, at 31,392, followed closely by Dublin, CA at 29,973.
*There are many more Americans of Irish origin than there are Irish in Ireland. (36 million Americans claimed Irish ancestry in 2008; the population of Ireland was 4.4 million at the time.)
*You can't attend a St. Patrick’s Day event without hearing a cry of "Erin go Bragh." What's the phrase mean? It's a corruption of the Irish Éirinn go Brách, which means roughly "Ireland Forever."
*Bob Sullivan
March 17 holds a special place in my heart that goes beyond St. Patrick’s Day. That was also the birthday of my late father, Bob Sullivan.
Dad was a proud union man, Hawkeye fan, and Irishman. We were father and son, but also best friends. I can honestly say he was probably the most fun person I have ever known.
Unfortunately, he left this world much too soon, and never got the chance to meet any of his nine grandchildren. I miss him every single day, but especially on St. Paddy’s Day.
So, if you are looking for an extra toast on St. Patrick’s Day, allow me to suggest that you raise a glass to Bob Sullivan.
Happy birthday, Dad.
*Bad Framing
I am pretty upset with the job that much of the media is doing in terms of coverage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I have heard more than one outlet say something to the effect of, “Ukrainians die while Biden sits idly by.” Frankly, I think this type of “analysis” is dangerous!
For starters, it is not as though the world has done nothing. Ukraine has been provided arms and supplies. Other countries are welcoming Ukrainian refugees. Most importantly, the world has been remarkably united in imposing some of the toughest economic and political sanctions in history.
I do not see this as “sitting idly by.” But obviously some talking heads feel otherwise. So, let’s go a bit further down this path. What are the alternatives?
I have heard a “No Fly Zone” mentioned. How, exactly, would this work? Are US forces really going to shoot down Russian aircraft in Ukrainian airspace? If so, doesn’t that signal the start of a US war with Russia?
Do we want war with Russia? I certainly do not. While I have faith in US military supremacy, a war with Russia could easily lead to the use of nuclear weapons. There will be no winners if that happens!
So those accusing Biden of “sitting idly by” need to be asked a few tough questions, including – “Who wins a nuclear war?”
I’m sick of this. I realize a lot of it is Republicans just trying to score political points. But Democrats and Independents need to be ready, willing, and able to refute this ridiculous argument. It is truly bad framing!
Meanwhile, please join me in praying for peace, and praying for our Ukrainian brothers and sisters.
*Carbon Pipelines
You may have heard about the huge Navigator carbon pipeline scheduled to run through Iowa County – up, just barely into Linn County – and down into Cedar County. Those counties all oppose it. I spoke with Supervisors as ideologically diverse as Stacy Walker in Linn County and Jeff Kaufmann in Cedar County, and all agree that the Navigator pipeline is a bad deal.
This path very purposefully avoids Johnson County. In a way, that makes me proud. But the impacts of the Navigator pipeline will NOT avoid Johnson County, which is why I hope my colleagues will agree to come out in opposition.
These carbon capture pipelines are dirty and dangerous, and require individuals to give up private property in order to make a few multimillionaires even wealthier. They are truly a lose-lose proposition.
Want to really address carbon? Let’s talk wind and solar. It is a million times safer and more environmentally sensitive, and we all benefit, not just a few wealthy investors.
I oppose these carbon capture pipelines, especially the Navigator one. I hope my fellow Supervisors will join me in taking an official position of disapproval.
*Still Time to Donate!
The Shelter House Used Book Sale requires your donation of used books in order to be a success! If you have gently used books, CDs and DVDs, vinyl records, and puzzles they can be dropped off until March 23.
Drop off is available Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 10-2 and Sundays 2-4. Drop off at 860 Quarry Road in Coralville. (Books will not be accepted if brought to Shelter House emergency shelter facility.)
*DID YOU KNOW? The legend of St. Patrick says he drove the snakes out of Ireland. In reality, there are no signs of snakes in Ireland’s fossil record. In fact, it’s likely that for millennia there weren’t any snakes in either Ireland or Britain, though Britain eventually gained three species of snakes.
Anyone interested in learning more about County government should take a look at the County website-
"Sullivan’s Salvos" is sent once per week to any interested party. It will give a brief update on issues of interest to Johnson County residents.
These messages come solely from Rod Sullivan, and neither represents the viewpoints of the whole Board of Supervisors nor those of groups or individuals otherwise mentioned.
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